This week is Baby Week over at Discovery Health. Tonight they will be dealing with Postpartum Mood Disorders.

I had a chance to preview the documentary over the weekend via my other blog, Sharing the Journey.

Overall, it was one of the most informative programs I’ve seen on mainstream television regarding postpartum mood disorders. I almost did not watch the entire show as the descriptions of postpartum mood disorders by the moms are accompanied by some pretty intense footage. Footage so intense, in fact, that I do not feel comfortable recommending that a struggling or newly recovered mother watch the program. If I could get the audio of just the narration to a new/struggling mom, I would do so in a heartbeat. But I would be hesitant in handing over film.

If you have plans to watch the program tonight or have watched the program and have questions, concerns, or need to locate resources near you, please do not hesitate to connect with me via Twitter (username unxpctdblessing) or via email at ppdacceptance(@) If you email me, please be sure to note “Postpartum Nightmares” in your subject line.

The most important thing to know about Postpartum Mood Disorders is that you are indeed not alone, you are NOT to blame, and you will be well.

Click here to read my full reaction post over at Sharing the Journey. You will find resources and further information on many of the topics mentioned in the documentary there as well.