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It’s dark. You are both collapsed into heaps, this time, you managed to make it to bed. You sigh, close your yes and mutter goodnight into your pillow.

It’s 234 a.m., your wife notes.


You lift your head and glare at the clock.

It’s 315 a.m.

You shove your face back into your pillow and silently scream.

Really? 46 minutes?

Sighing, you get out of bed to get the baby. Check the diaper. A little wet so you change it. Rock, sing, soothe. Nothing works.

Time to get mommy. She’s got the food.

You walk into the bedroom to wake her up. She sighs, shifts, and snuggles closer to the bed. When you do manage to wake her up, she snaps at you.

“But I JUST nursed! Did you check the diaper? Try to put him back down? I’m tired. I don’t want to…. ”

“Yes. Gimme a little credit. I’m not an idiot. I’ve tried everything. Clearly he’s hungry. You’re nursing so…”

“Dammit. I’ll be there in a minute.” She snuggles back into the bed.

You sigh, loudly, frustrated, knowing it will be a good 30 minutes before she even attempts to get out of bed. She will fall back asleep and you will have this conversation all over again before she finally gets out of bed, cursing you under her breath for interrupting her sleep.

She won’t mean it. She’s exhausted, just like you. And yes, you have work in the morning and should be sleeping but she won’t get to sleep much during the day either. Oh, she may rest, but it won’t be restorative. She’ll nod off while nursing, try to snooze when the baby does, but if the baby is up, she is up. And then there are chores. Dishes. Laundry. Cleaning. Cooking. Possibly other children to care for. Errands. Her job? Never.friggin.ends.

Your job never ends either. It’s hard for her to see that though. What SHE sees is you, walking out the front door toward other adults. Toward freedom. Toward conversation that involves more than a few garbled syllabic words at a time. What SHE sees is you, showered, shaved, dressed in something other than the same pajamas she’s now lived in for two weeks. What SHE feels is jealousy, hatred, sadness, grief. For the most part she knows it’s not rational. Somewhere, deep down, she tries hard not to feel this way. But she’s been moody for weeks now. Snapping at you for the simplest comment or action.

You bring home dinner. It’s not what she wanted but she loudly sighs and announces “It’ll have to do.” You pick up the baby and she watches your every move with him like a hawk, waiting for you to falter. You begin to falter yourself. Are you built for fatherhood? Are you doing things wrong? What if you’re screwing up your kid for life at just 3 months old? What if she never lets you really be a father? How will you ever learn what to do? Will your marriage survive? Where the hell are you?

What she doesn’t know is that as you walk out the front door every morning, your heart hurts. YOU are filled with jealousy because she gets to enjoy every moment with your son. She gets to watch him grow, change, and do new things every day. You mourn your fatherhood as you shower, dress for work. You fumble under her judgmental stares, worrying that your fathering skills are not up to par with her expectations. You’ve asked  a million times but you can’t for the life of you get her to tell you what her expectations are for you as a father. What are the rules to this ball game? If you only knew, life would be so much easier. After all, you’re not a mind reader.


Today’s Just Talking Tuesday is cross-posted with My Postpartum Voice. If you’re a mom, please share here what you wish your husband had known about Postpartum Mood Disorders and parenting. What would have best helped you when you were suffering? If you’re a dad, share over at My Postpartum Voice. What got you and your wife through those dark days? How did you keep communication open if you managed to do so?

Social support is key for recovery from a Postpartum Mood Disorder. The best social support starts at home with your partner. Get them involved and you’ve zoomed forward a zillion spaces on your recovery path.

Let’s get to just talking.

The awesome dads over at DadLabs have put together a great video about Postpartum Depression.

Not only do they interview a knowledgeable therapist, but they also take time out to acknowledge the recent study published in JAMA about dads experiencing Postpartum Depression.

Please go check it out for some great information about Postpartum Depression.

Dear Non-Believers:

This past week you have frantically scurried about the Internet from website to website, trolling and tweeting reactions to each story in regards to Dr. James F. Paulson’s study about Paternal Prenatal and Postnatal Depression. The Wall-Street Journal, CNN, The NY Times, you name it, you have been there to broadcast your point of view. And praise God we live in a country in which we can do so without fear of persecution!

You have been discursive, doltish, dismissive, disrespectful, and disheartening. Your dedication to refuting this news is mind-numbingly astounding. The diversity of the comments has been absolutely amazing. It is mind-boggling how truly open-minded the internet has made you. You are passionate about episiotomies and woman giving birth vaginally. You know everything there is to know about hormones and their relation to Postpartum Depression for women. And clearly you know more than the researchers because according to you, the cause of Paternal Postnatal Depression is due to sleep deprivation, lack of sexual gratification from a woman who’s just given birth, and jealousy of all the attention showered on the new baby.

Parenthood is tough. Get over it, you have so sagely said over and over again in a myriad of ways to all the depressed dads out there. I bet you know at least 10 dads. Well guess what? At least one of them is depressed. Can you tell who? I am willing to guess no, no you cannot. Do you want to apologize to him for whatever it was that you said at the CNN website? No?

Let me apologize for you. And then let me say something very important to you for him.

I forgive you.


Because one day you may be the one person who finds themselves in the arena staring down a big bad ass bull named Depression. And guess what? That bull doesn’t just politely knock on your door, shrug it’s shoulders when you say it’s not a good time. No, no no, that bull is a bit more like a SWAT team with a battering ram. He’s coming into your life whether you like it or not. And his ass is staying. You’ll be lucky if you have anything left standing by the time he’s done with your place. And I can guarantee you won’t appreciate the renovation. It’s loud. Deafening. Especially at 2am when you so desperately want to be asleep but instead you are up bawling your eyes out with Junior who is convinced it is time to play with his jungle gym mat. There is no greater sense of loneliness anywhere on the planet than to be a depressed parent. NONE! Everything you thought you were, thought you held dear, thought you could once be – gone. Broken into pieces so tiny it will be impossible to rebuild. But somehow you will. Somehow you will pick yourself up off that damned floor (once the bull has left the building, that is), survey the wreckage and be forced to make a decision.

Will you let yourself shatter?


Will you cling to the walls for support until you find a hand reaching out? Will you take that hand, take a deep breath and rebuild? Will you let the terror and fear fade? Will you be man enough to dig yourself out of this hell? Man enough to take care of yourself and want to BE there for your family? Man enough to walk away from the darkness now surrounding you and slowly creeping toward your family?

Well? Will you?

The kicker is that you will not know the answer to these questions until your Bull comes bursting into your life.

May you never meet him.

But in the meantime, do not judge those of us who have. For we, WE have fought the good fight. We have been through hell. We have pulled ourselves through it. Some of us lost our battle. But those of us who are still here have learned valuable lessons we want to pass on to other fathers. We want to share. We want to speak up. We do not muzzle ourselves because of ignorance, mis-information, and judgment.

We deserve to be heard. We deserve compassion. We deserve not to be called “girly men” because we had depression and cried.

Because it’s okay for a man to cry. It’s okay for a man to seek help. It’s okay. It’s OKAY.

Being a man isn’t all about swilling beer, football, hockey, basketball or any other kind of ball.

Once you have a family, it’s about taking care of them. And in order to take good care of your family, you must first take good care of yourself no matter what the cost.

Being a father means being present. It means reading to your kids, it means playing with your kids, it means providing companionship and love to your wife, and contributing overall to caring for the household. You cannot do any of those things if you are depressed and choose not to seek help.

When you judge a man for depression you drive a stake between he and his family. When you judge a man for crying, you cut off a source of release for him. When you judge a man for seeking therapy, you might as well be writing him off altogether.

Please, don’t judge.

I dare you to care. I dare you to ask how that new dad in your life is feeling. Ask if he’s overwhelmed. Ask how you can help. Not when, not let me know – but how. And then follow through. Be present. Encourage self-care. Support new families. It doesn’t take much.

In fact, if everyone would pour as much energy into supporting new parents as they did tearing them down for feeling down, I think we might have a fighting chance at beating this.


Lauren Hale

Postpartum OCD Survivor (2X)

Wife to a Paternal Postnatal Depression Survivor

Postpartum Advocate & Peer Supporter

The May 19, 2010 edition of the Journal of American Medical Association will include research from Dr. James F. Paulson, Ph.D of Eastern Virginia Medical School examining the rates of Paternal Prenatal and Postnatal depression and it’s correlation with Maternal Depression.

After researching 43 studies involving over 28,000 participants fitting their parameters, Dr. James F. Paulson and associate researcher Sharnail D. Bazemore, MS, drew the conclusion that more than 1 in 10 new dads struggle with depression within 3 to 6 months of becoming a father. Interestingly, Paulson and Bazemore included studies examining depression in fathers as early as the first trimester of a pregnancy of a partner. The studies spanned from 1980 to 2009, nearly 20 years of research.

Prenatal and Postnatal Depression was determined to be present in 10% of the cases studied. Postnatal depression spiked between a 3-6 month period and seemed to correlate with a maternal experience of Postnatal Depression

Other mentions of this research across the web today include:

Joel Schwartzberg @ Huffington Post : Postpartum Depression in Men: One Dad’s Story

Joanne Silberner with NPR: Study Finds Dads Suffer Postpartum Depression, Too (There will also be an on-air version tonight on the program All Things Considered. Audio will be available at 7pm ET or shortly thereafter)

Megan Brooks with Reuters: Dads get postpartum depression too: study

Good Morning America Segment via ABC: Postpartum Depression for New Fathers

Depression in men surrounding pregnancy and infancy is rarely discussed. But if the numbers for this research proves to be right, the rate at which these dads are struggling is higher than those of women with depression. While the basis may not be biological as recent research with maternal depression is proving, there is indeed something going on with new dads that needs further exploring.

Perhaps most notable of this research is that Dr. Paulson is an associate professor in Pediatrics. I applaud Dr. Paulson for recognizing the importance of Parental Depression in the lives of our children and hope more pediatric specialists including practitioners and researchers alike would become more involved in helping parents struggling with depression heal.

If you or a new father you love may be struggling with depression during the pregnancy of or the birth of your child, there is help. Dr. William Courtenay runs the Postpartum Men website. There you can find information on symptoms, resources, and a message board to connect with other struggling dads. There is no shame in speaking up. You owe it to yourself, to your child, to your family. You are not alone.

Postpartum Mood Disorders are pesky at the least. If you don’t squash them early by seeking help and creating a positive place where you can relax and fall down, a Postpartum Mood Disorder will turn into a full blown nasty monster. And then you’ll have to use the tranquilizer darts and quite frankly, that hurts.

You are probably here because your wife hasn’t seemed to be quite right since giving birth. Or maybe you’re struggling with some emotional issues and aren’t quite sure where to turn.

First, thank you for seeking help and information in regards to whatever situation you’re in at the moment!

Second, make sure you get yourself in touch with your local Postpartum Support International Coordinator. Even if you’re a guy. Trust me, they’ve got a coordinator for that.

One key thing I want to note here in regards to a Postpartum Mood Disorder is that it’s a real damper on communication. When I was struggling through Postpartum OCD, I expected my husband to read my mind. Yeap. Nevermind that he had not attended Houdini’s School of Telepathy or couldn’t even manage to get something as simple as a napkin to float in the air, he was fully and suddenly expected to know my every thought, need, and behave accordingly. So when he left baby with me instead of pitching in when I torpedoed the request repeatedly at his brain, I got pissed. When he didn’t pick up on the slack in the housework despite me clearly leaving a post-it note on his frontal lobe, I got pissed. You see where I’m going with this?

He never asked what I needed help with. He assumed I would open my mouth and let him know what I needed. Except that for some reason childbirth and Postpartum OCD made that a whole lot harder to do. So I didn’t. And he didn’t. And suddenly there we were, rushing toward Niagra Falls in a wooden barrel.

Communication is key to getting things back on track. Helping out with chores like cooking, cleaning, childcare is imperative. I call this the 3 C method. Ask if she needs help with any of them and you’ll be getting some serious brownie points.

Don’t understand Postpartum Mood Disorders or what’s going on with your wife specifically? Go to the doctor appointments with her. Ask questions. An involved, pro-active spouse is going to get his wife back a lot faster than one who is not involved and is judgmental about what she is currently experiencing. She cannot snap out of her depression. It will take time, it will take work, and it will take dedication.

But the more you ask, the more you do, the more of a routine helping each other out will become in your marriage. She may not thank you at first but trust me, she’ll feel it in her heart. And one day, when she’s well enough, she will say thank you even though those words will never be enough to express how appreciative she is that you dared to jump into the ditch with her.

Back in April, Newsweek published an article by a dad who had experienced depression after the birth of his son. This dad’s name is Joel Schwartzberg. He’s got a new book out, The 40 Year old Version: Humoirs of a Divorced Dad. After a recent interview on a blog I regularly read, The Collective Inkwell, I snagged him for an interview here. I hope you’ll enjoy his honesty, his wisdom, and his strength.

Thanks for sharing, Joel.


Joel_Schwartzberg_05_USETell us a little about Joel Schwartzberg, the guy. What would he be doing on a typical Friday night if he had it to himself?

I’m all about comfort, so it wouldn’t be much different from how I’d spend it with my wife and our five cats: relaxing on our soft couch, checking email, watching reruns of “Law & Order” and eating something delicious she made. Though, to be fair, if I was by myself you’d have to substitute a slice of eggplant parmigiana pizza for my wife’s inspired cooking. It’s not exactly glamorous, but it is me.

In your Newsweek article, Slouching Towards Fatherhood, you open up about your depression after the birth of your son. In the piece you mention a realization of depression years after it occurred. How did this realization put life as a father into perspective for you?

Realizing I had suffered from depression (and wasn’t just a naturally “bad dad”) gave me the inspiration and confidence to rebuild my personal dadhood from scratch. Before then, I felt paternally-challenged, handicapped as a dad, a total fathering failure. Now, as I define my dadhood based on my own standards and expectations, I don’t fear failure. Parents are not perfect; failure is a crucial part of the process of becoming a better parent.

Depression looks different when it happens to a guy after the birth of a child. What did depression look like for you? What are some signs and symptoms other men and their loved ones should learn to recognize? What can partners do to help if a loved one is sinking into a deep depression?

The clearest symptom of my depression was the way I grasped desperately for moments of self-indulgence, most often with food. I would savor opportunities to leave the house “on an errand” and get big fat cheeseburgers. I think I outpaced my son 10-1 in terms of weight gain that month alone. Eating fast food was a secret; it even felt like cheating, but it also felt like one of the few parts of my individual identity that wasn’t obliterated by parenthood. When men start keeping secrets from their partners, something is amiss in the relationship; someone’s needs are not getting met.

I’m not a psychologist, but my advice for women partners is to understand that some men need to retain a semblance of their pre-parenthood lives, and that need should be supported and nurtured as much as possible, as well as openly discussed. Also, a marriage needs to be pro-actively preserved, not martyred, as it gets rocked by the wrecking ball of sudden parenthood.

Joel quoteThe perpetuated myth of the typical male as a stalwart statue resounds pretty deeply within the modern psyche. Have you experienced any backlash as a result of sharing your experience with depression? How have you coped with those who have harshly judged your experience?

Depression in men — dads in particular — is often taken as a sign of weakness and cowardice. People have told me I needed to just “man up”, but I think it takes a lot of courage to admit vulnerability, and dealing with emotions openly is ultimately healthier than burying them. I’ve had people call me some pretty nasty things, but just as many men and women have approached me with similar stories, and found my writing to be “gutsy.”

I feared a backlash from women with PPD because women have a biological, umbilical connection to their kids; Dads just have to hold on tight. So who are we to claim post-partum depression? But women who’d suffered from PPD had some of the most supportive responses to my writing.

My reaction to those who called me a “crybaby”, “weak,” and a “terrible excuse for a man” is simply to say: I had difficulty accepting sudden fatherhood — the biggest upheaval in life —  and I’m owning up to it. I also overcame it, love my children, and have a great relationship with them now.

This goes against the grain because it doesn’t fall into one of the top three father stereotypes: Deadbeat (Gosselin), Lazy (Romano) and Super-Dad (Cosby); the guilt of not living up to that last impossible expectation can be really destructive, but slipping into a lazy parenting role is also a disservice and a missed opportunity to
connect with your kids in a really meaningful way.

It’s my current wonderful and honest relationship with my kids that gives me faith that I’m doing the right thing as their father. I’m a more genuine dad for having been completely honest with myself.

List three things which made you smile or laugh today.

1. A news report about a stray cat that was stuck under the hood of a
car during a long road trip, but survived and escaped injury. I’m sure
it had a grudge; I believe cats are the only animals capable of
holding grudges.

2. Having my mechanic not only look at my flat tire without an
appointment, but also shuttle me to the train station so I wouldn’t
have to walk in the cold.

3. Getting handed a slice of mud pie for a colleague’s birthday party.
I love office parties.

As a result of the depressive episodes both my husband and I experienced after the birth of our second daughter, we have begun to talk with our children about depression in an age-appropriate manner. Have you spoken with your oldest son about depression yet? If not, do you think you will in the future and what do you see that conversation including?

I’m very fortunate that my kids are very bright and open with their emotions, so we talk about a full range of feelings. They’re too young to grasp the concept of clinical depression, but they understand confusion, sadness, and frustration very well, as we deal with those feelings almost every time I see them.

I don’t plan on advertising my depression to them, but I hope when they’re old enough to read and understand that essay in particular, they’ll see the value in being honest with oneself, and how writing can play a part in that process.

I do talk to them openly about anger-management – both theirs and mine. These discussions help me help them, and help them see me as a complete human, not just as a parent. I think it’s good for older children to see their parents as people, not just parents.

At the Postpartum Dads Project we believe Postpartum Mood Disorders are a WHOLE family thing. What kind of support, if any, did you have during your depression after the birth of your son? How do you think your level of support at the time affected your recovery? What can new dads do to build a supportive network around themselves?

My ex-wife is a psychologist and quickly diagnosed me as having PTSD following my son’s birth. It’s certainly possible I had PTSD, but my main problem in those early days was the decimation of my identity. I coped with that by draping myself in denial – which in retrospect only extended my depression.

I’m not the type of person to have a close circle of friends, and I wasn’t honest enough with myself or others to make use of that kind of support system anyway. My parents are very “right and wrong” kind of parents, so I did not turn to them either. Ultimately, it took time, therapy, and – frankly — divorce for me to recover.

I feel new dads really need to share experiences, not just advice, with each other. One of the reasons I wrote the book was because it was something I needed when I got divorced. Finding legal tips online was easy; getting comfort less so. With no divorce whatsoever in my family history, I needed to know I wasn’t alone.

I’m still inspired by other dads who talk about their difficulty with sudden parenthood – sometimes they whisper it to me. What we need is compassion and understanding.

40YROLD.COVER2Your depression ultimately led to your divorce. Would you share with our readers what the inside of a divorce looks like? What helped you survive and thrive during this difficult time?

My depression definitely made me harder to live with, but — to my eyes — my ex wife’s abandonment of our marriage for parenthood caused the divorce. While our actual separation was fairly calm, the inside of a legal divorce is an ugly place where justice and fairness collides with feelings and justifications, but the outside can be peaceful if the two parties realize that civility does not require agreement or even understanding.

My kids actually helped me cope with the divorce by showing love for me as an individual, outside our former family context. When they live with me, it makes me feel like a father. And that’s a wonderful, fulfilling feeling.

What is your absolute favorite thing about fatherhood? Share with us a quick story about one of the funniest things one of your kids has done.

My favorite thing to do with my kids – and the least expensive — is go to Kmart. They hang on to the big red shopping carts while I take sharp turns, go on shopping list scavenger hunts, stack bottles of Dad’s favorite black cherry sparkling water, gawk at the massive display of Halloween costumes, and run up the down escalators. It never gets old.

Last but not least, let’s say you have just a split second to give some advice to a struggling new dad before he jumps in a cab. What would you tell him?

Be the dad you are, not the dad people in your life or in your television expect you to be.

1) Tell us a little about Joel Schwartzberg, the guy. What would he be
doing on a typical Friday night if he had it to himself?

I’m all about comfort, so it wouldn’t be much different from how I’d
spend it with my wife and our five cats: relaxing on our soft couch,
checking email, watching reruns of “Law & Order” and eating something
delicious she made. Though, to be fair, if I was by myself you’d have
to substitute a slice of eggplant parmigiana pizza for my wife’s
inspired cooking. It’s not exactly glamorous, but it is me.

2) In your Newsweek article, Slouching Towards Fatherhood, you open up
about your depression after the birth of your son. In the piece you
mention a realization of depression years after it occurred. How did
this realization put life as a father into perspective for you?

Realizing I had suffered from depression (and wasn’t just a naturally
“bad dad”) gave me the inspiration and confidence to rebuild my
personal dadhood from scratch. Before then, I felt
paternally-challenged, handicapped as a dad, a total fathering
failure. Now, as I define my dadhood based on my own standards and
expectations, I don’t fear failure. Parents are not perfect; failure
is a crucial part of the process of becoming a better parent.

3) Depression looks different when it happens to a guy after the birth
of a child. What did depression look like for you? What are some signs
and symptoms other men and their loved ones should learn to recognize?
What can partners do to help if a loved one is sinking into a deep

The clearest symptom of my depression was the way I grasped
desperately for moments of self-indulgence, most often with food. I
would savor opportunities to leave the house “on an errand” and get
big fat cheeseburgers. I think I outpaced my son 10-1 in terms of
weight gain that month alone. Eating fast food was a secret; it even
felt like cheating, but it also felt like one of the few parts of my
individual identity that wasn’t obliterated by parenthood. When men
start keeping secrets from their partners, something is amiss in the
relationship; someone’s needs are not getting met.

I’m not a psychologist, but my advice for women partners is to
understand that some men need to retain a semblance of their
pre-parenthood lives, and that need should be supported and nurtured
as much as possible, as well as openly discussed. Also, a marriage
needs to be proactively preserved, not martyred, as it gets rocked by
the wrecking ball of sudden parenthood.

4) The perpetuated myth of the typical male as a stalwart statue
resounds pretty deeply within the modern psyche. Have you experienced
any backlash as a result of sharing your experience with depression?
How have you coped with those who have harshly judged your experience?

Depression in men — dads in particular — is often taken as a sign of
weakness and cowardice. People have told me I needed to just “man up”,
but I think it takes a lot of courage to admit vulnerability, and
dealing with emotions openly is ultimately healthier than burying
them. I’ve had people call me some pretty nasty things, but just as
many men and women have approached me with similar stories, and found
my writing to be “gutsy.”

I feared a backlash from women with PPD because women have a
biological, umbilical connection to their kids; Dads just have to hold
on tight. So who are we to claim post-partum depression? But women
who’d suffered from PPD had some of the most supportive responses to
my writing.

My reaction to those who called me a “crybaby”, “weak,” and a
“terrible excuse for a man” is simply to say: I had difficulty
accepting sudden fatherhood — the biggest upheaval in life —  and
I’m owning up to it. I also overcame it, love my children, and have a
great relationship with them now.

This goes against the grain because it doesn’t fall into one of the
top three father stereotypes: Deadbeat (Gosselin), Lazy (Romano) and
Super-Dad (Cosby); the guilt of not living up to that last impossible
expectation can be really destructive, but slipping into a lazy
parenting role is also a disservice and a missed opportunity to
connect with your kids in a really meaningful way.

It’s my current wonderful and honest relationship with my kids that
gives me faith that I’m doing the right thing as their father. I’m a
more genuine dad for having been completely honest with myself.

5) List three things which made you smile or laugh today.

1. A news report about a stray cat that was stuck under the hood of a
car during a long road trip, but survived and escaped injury. I’m sure
it had a grudge; I believe cats are the only animals capable of
holding grudges.

2. Having my mechanic not only look at my flat tire without an
appointment, but also shuttle me to the train station so I wouldn’t
have to walk in the cold.

3. Getting handed a slice of mud pie for a colleague’s birthday party.
I love office parties.

6) As a result of the depressive episodes both my husband and I
experienced after the birth of our second daughter, we have begun to
talk with our children about depression in an age-appropriate manner.
Have you spoken with your oldest son about depression yet? If not, do
you think you will in the future and what do you see that conversation

I’m very fortunate that my kids are very bright and open with their
emotions, so we talk about a full range of feelings. They’re too young
to grasp the concept of clinical depression, but they understand
confusion, sadness, and frustration very well, as we deal with those
feelings almost every time I see them.

I don’t plan on advertising my depression to them, but I hope when
they’re old enough to read and understand that essay in particular,
they’ll see the value in being honest with oneself, and how writing
can play a part in that process.

I do talk to them openly about anger-management – both theirs and
mine. These discussions help me help them, and help them see me as a
complete human, not just as a parent. I think it’s good for older
children to see their parents as people, not just parents.

7) At the Postpartum Dads Project we believe Postpartum Mood Disorders
are a WHOLE family thing. What kind of support, if any, did you have
during your depression after the birth of your son? How do you think
your level of support at the time affected your recovery? What can new
dads do to build a supportive network around themselves?

My ex-wife is a psychologist and quickly diagnosed me as having PTSD
following my son’s birth. It’s certainly possible I had PTSD, but my
main problem in those early days was the decimation of my identity. I
coped with that by draping myself in denial – which in retrospect only
extended my depression.

I’m not the type of person to have a close circle of friends, and I
wasn’t honest enough with myself or others to make use of that kind of
support system anyway. My parents are very “right and wrong” kind of
parents, so I did not turn to them either. Ultimately, it took time,
therapy, and – frankly — divorce for me to recover.

I feel new dads really need to share experiences, not just advice,
with each other. One of the reasons I wrote the book was because it
was something I needed when I got divorced. Finding legal tips online
was easy; getting comfort less so. With no divorce whatsoever in my
family history, I needed to know I wasn’t alone.

I’m still inspired by other dads who talk about their difficulty with
sudden parenthood – sometimes they whisper it to me. What we need is
compassion and understanding.

8) Your depression ultimately led to your divorce. Would you share
with our readers what the inside of a divorce looks like? What helped
you survive and thrive during this difficult time?

My depression definitely made me harder to live with, but — to my
eyes — my ex wife’s abandonment of our marriage for parenthood caused
the divorce. While our actual separation was fairly calm, the inside
of a legal divorce is an ugly place where justice and fairness
collides with feelings and justifications, but the outside can be
peaceful if the two parties realize that civility does not require
agreement or even understanding.

My kids actually helped me cope with the divorce by showing love for
me as an individual, outside our former family context. When they live
with me, it makes me feel like a father. And that’s a wonderful,
fulfilling feeling.

9) What is your absolute favorite thing about fatherhood? Share with
us a quick story about one of the funniest things one of your kids has

My favorite thing to do with my kids – and the least expensive — is
go to Kmart. They hang on to the big red shopping carts while I take
sharp turns, go on shopping list scavenger hunts, stack bottles of
Dad’s favorite black cherry sparkling water, gawk at the massive
display of Halloween costumes, and run up the down escalators. It
never gets old.

10) Last but not least, let’s say you have just a split second to give
some advice to a struggling new dad before he jumps in a cab. What
would you tell him?

Be the dad you are, not the dad people in your life or in your
television expect you to be.1) Tell us a little about Joel Schwartzberg, the guy. What would he be

doing on a typical Friday night if he had it to himself?

I’m all about comfort, so it wouldn’t be much different from how I’d

spend it with my wife and our five cats: relaxing on our soft couch,

checking email, watching reruns of “Law & Order” and eating something

delicious she made. Though, to be fair, if I was by myself you’d have

to substitute a slice of eggplant parmigiana pizza for my wife’s

inspired cooking. It’s not exactly glamorous, but it is me.

2) In your Newsweek article, Slouching Towards Fatherhood, you open up

about your depression after the birth of your son. In the piece you

mention a realization of depression years after it occurred. How did

this realization put life as a father into perspective for you?

Realizing I had suffered from depression (and wasn’t just a naturally

“bad dad”) gave me the inspiration and confidence to rebuild my

personal dadhood from scratch. Before then, I felt

paternally-challenged, handicapped as a dad, a total fathering

failure. Now, as I define my dadhood based on my own standards and

expectations, I don’t fear failure. Parents are not perfect; failure

is a crucial part of the process of becoming a better parent.

3) Depression looks different when it happens to a guy after the birth

of a child. What did depression look like for you? What are some signs

and symptoms other men and their loved ones should learn to recognize?

What can partners do to help if a loved one is sinking into a deep


The clearest symptom of my depression was the way I grasped

desperately for moments of self-indulgence, most often with food. I

would savor opportunities to leave the house “on an errand” and get

big fat cheeseburgers. I think I outpaced my son 10-1 in terms of

weight gain that month alone. Eating fast food was a secret; it even

felt like cheating, but it also felt like one of the few parts of my

individual identity that wasn’t obliterated by parenthood. When men

start keeping secrets from their partners, something is amiss in the

relationship; someone’s needs are not getting met.

I’m not a psychologist, but my advice for women partners is to

understand that some men need to retain a semblance of their

pre-parenthood lives, and that need should be supported and nurtured

as much as possible, as well as openly discussed. Also, a marriage

needs to be proactively preserved, not martyred, as it gets rocked by

the wrecking ball of sudden parenthood.

4) The perpetuated myth of the typical male as a stalwart statue

resounds pretty deeply within the modern psyche. Have you experienced

any backlash as a result of sharing your experience with depression?

How have you coped with those who have harshly judged your experience?

Depression in men — dads in particular — is often taken as a sign of

weakness and cowardice. People have told me I needed to just “man up”,

but I think it takes a lot of courage to admit vulnerability, and

dealing with emotions openly is ultimately healthier than burying

them. I’ve had people call me some pretty nasty things, but just as

many men and women have approached me with similar stories, and found

my writing to be “gutsy.”

I feared a backlash from women with PPD because women have a

biological, umbilical connection to their kids; Dads just have to hold

on tight. So who are we to claim post-partum depression? But women

who’d suffered from PPD had some of the most supportive responses to

my writing.

My reaction to those who called me a “crybaby”, “weak,” and a

“terrible excuse for a man” is simply to say: I had difficulty

accepting sudden fatherhood — the biggest upheaval in life — and

I’m owning up to it. I also overcame it, love my children, and have a

great relationship with them now.

This goes against the grain because it doesn’t fall into one of the

top three father stereotypes: Deadbeat (Gosselin), Lazy (Romano) and

Super-Dad (Cosby); the guilt of not living up to that last impossible

expectation can be really destructive, but slipping into a lazy

parenting role is also a disservice and a missed opportunity to

connect with your kids in a really meaningful way.

It’s my current wonderful and honest relationship with my kids that

gives me faith that I’m doing the right thing as their father. I’m a

more genuine dad for having been completely honest with myself.

5) List three things which made you smile or laugh today.

1. A news report about a stray cat that was stuck under the hood of a

car during a long road trip, but survived and escaped injury. I’m sure

it had a grudge; I believe cats are the only animals capable of

holding grudges.

2. Having my mechanic not only look at my flat tire without an

appointment, but also shuttle me to the train station so I wouldn’t

have to walk in the cold.

3. Getting handed a slice of mud pie for a colleague’s birthday party.

I love office parties.

6) As a result of the depressive episodes both my husband and I

experienced after the birth of our second daughter, we have begun to

talk with our children about depression in an age-appropriate manner.

Have you spoken with your oldest son about depression yet? If not, do

you think you will in the future and what do you see that conversation


I’m very fortunate that my kids are very bright and open with their

emotions, so we talk about a full range of feelings. They’re too young

to grasp the concept of clinical depression, but they understand

confusion, sadness, and frustration very well, as we deal with those

feelings almost every time I see them.

I don’t plan on advertising my depression to them, but I hope when

they’re old enough to read and understand that essay in particular,

they’ll see the value in being honest with oneself, and how writing

can play a part in that process.

I do talk to them openly about anger-management – both theirs and

mine. These discussions help me help them, and help them see me as a

complete human, not just as a parent. I think it’s good for older

children to see their parents as people, not just parents.

7) At the Postpartum Dads Project we believe Postpartum Mood Disorders

are a WHOLE family thing. What kind of support, if any, did you have

during your depression after the birth of your son? How do you think

your level of support at the time affected your recovery? What can new

dads do to build a supportive network around themselves?

My ex-wife is a psychologist and quickly diagnosed me as having PTSD

following my son’s birth. It’s certainly possible I had PTSD, but my

main problem in those early days was the decimation of my identity. I

coped with that by draping myself in denial – which in retrospect only

extended my depression.

I’m not the type of person to have a close circle of friends, and I

wasn’t honest enough with myself or others to make use of that kind of

support system anyway. My parents are very “right and wrong” kind of

parents, so I did not turn to them either. Ultimately, it took time,

therapy, and – frankly — divorce for me to recover.

I feel new dads really need to share experiences, not just advice,

with each other. One of the reasons I wrote the book was because it

was something I needed when I got divorced. Finding legal tips online

was easy; getting comfort less so. With no divorce whatsoever in my

family history, I needed to know I wasn’t alone.

I’m still inspired by other dads who talk about their difficulty with

sudden parenthood – sometimes they whisper it to me. What we need is

compassion and understanding.

8) Your depression ultimately led to your divorce. Would you share

with our readers what the inside of a divorce looks like? What helped

you survive and thrive during this difficult time?

My depression definitely made me harder to live with, but — to my

eyes — my ex wife’s abandonment of our marriage for parenthood caused

the divorce. While our actual separation was fairly calm, the inside

of a legal divorce is an ugly place where justice and fairness

collides with feelings and justifications, but the outside can be

peaceful if the two parties realize that civility does not require

agreement or even understanding.

My kids actually helped me cope with the divorce by showing love for

me as an individual, outside our former family context. When they live

with me, it makes me feel like a father. And that’s a wonderful,

fulfilling feeling.

9) What is your absolute favorite thing about fatherhood? Share with

us a quick story about one of the funniest things one of your kids has


My favorite thing to do with my kids – and the least expensive — is

go to Kmart. They hang on to the big red shopping carts while I take

sharp turns, go on shopping list scavenger hunts, stack bottles of

Dad’s favorite black cherry sparkling water, gawk at the massive

display of Halloween costumes, and run up the down escalators. It

never gets old.

10) Last but not least, let’s say you have just a split second to give

some advice to a struggling new dad before he jumps in a cab. What

would you tell him?

Be the dad you are, not the dad people in your life or in your

television expect you to be.

In a nearly four and a half minute segment the anchor and a male pediatrician discuss male postnatal depression quite thoroughly. Some great suggestions and information are given.

Click here to view the video.

Joel Schwartzberg, author of a new book The 40-Year-Old Version: Humoirs of a Divorced Dad, opens up about his experience with male postpartum depression in an interview over at The Collective Inkwell.

In April, Newsweek published an article by Joel in which he detailed his experience. He was surprised at the subsequent backlash he received as a result of opening up.

I’d like to commend Joel for opening up and sharing his story. Not many men speak up about depression after childbirth. While women are finally finding their voices (and using them), many men still find themselves in dark when it comes to admitting there are issues associated with the birth of a child. According to Joel, “Fathers are told all the time to just “man up” in the face of conflict, but this is a very invalidating and antiquated perspective. We are still humans, still individuals, and our worlds are no less rocked by parenthood than mothers’ are.”

If you’re a father who has experienced depression after the birth of a child, I want to encourage you to “man up” and open up to let other dads know that it’s ok to feel that way. The more open men are about their emotions and feelings the better off they and their families will be.

Thanks, Joel, for speaking up about such a tough topic.

A recent survey by the American Psychiatric Association has discovered that being a dad is a motivating factor in seeking help. As many as 90 percent of respondents indicating that their status as a father or legal guardian “would have an impact on their decision to seek help if they were depressed.”

While it is difficult to admit depression because it’s stigmatized as a sign of weakness, admitting there is a problem is the first step towards finding help and beginning recovery. Even though the stigma of depression has been slowly fading over the past few years, many of the respondents also admitted that it would be easier to talk about other health issues besides depression.

“It is encouraging to see that fathers are open to getting help and that some of the stigma surrounding men and depression is waning,” stated Jeffrey Borenstein, M.D., Chair of the Council on Communications at the American Psychiatric Association. “A father who takes care of himself is taking care of his whole family.”

Seeking out treatment and talking about your experience with depression can help tremendously with your family dynamic. You may even find yourself stronger for having gone through the experience. Don’t expect results overnight though. Depression is not something we can dismiss or carry out the front door and never see again. It takes time, patience, and sometimes it is very painful as we journey towards recovery. Also, don’t forget that once recovered there will be a slightly changed dynamic to your personality. As with any experience, your brush with depression will become part of you. It is up to you, though, to determine how it will integrate with your personality and daily life.

You can read the APA article about this survey (and even participate) by clicking here.

Don’t forget guys!

Tonight at 9:00pm, PSI is hosting their weekly chat for Dads. You can call in if you’re struggling to support your partner or struggling with depression yourself. No need for identifying yourself, and it’s free! These calls are limited to 15 callers, last an hour (unless no one calls in – then the Expert will end the call at 15 minutes past the hour). Please remember that this call is NOT meant to replace the advice of a professional.

Click here for more details on how to participate!

Please note any information found on this blog is not meant to replace that of a qualified professional. We encourage partnership with your physician, psychiatrist, and therapist in the treatment of mood disorder. The information found here is educational and anecdoctal and should be reviewed with a professional prior to implementation.

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